The final publicity event of the project in Klaipėda district in 2023.

As the project came to an end, the final project event took place in Klaipėda district. The main aim of the event was the dissemination of good experience about youth-friendly health care services, in the context of youth policy relations and in the context of ensuring youth-friendly health care services in the municipality.

Youth-friendly healthcare services coordinators from Raseiniai district municipality, Akmenė district municipality JPSPP coordinators as well as active youth will participate in the publicity event. During the event, we discussed safe places for young people and shared good experiences and success stories that happened only thanks to this project.

Interinstitutional collaboration training in Klaipėda district in 2022.

From 2022 October to December, interinstitutional collaboration training took place in the Klaipėda district. During this training, we aimed to train health care specialists, law enforcement authorities, specialists who are working in schools, youth organization workers, social work specialists of the boroughs, representatives of sports organizations, and community representatives. All these people worked together to increase cooperation among young people in the field of health. We paid a lot of attention in order to know a young person better and we put a lot of attention on highlighting and solving problems in the Klaipėda district.

Topics covered during the training:

Psychoactive substances, analysis, prevention, and intervention.

Sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancy.

Reducing eating disorders, health disorders related to overweight and obesity.

Mental health and young people's health promotion through collaboration and complementary skills to increase competence.

57 specialists took part in the training and the target rate was exceeded.

Klaipeda district youth free sex education camp "Get to know yourself and others"

In the early morning of June 21, young people from various corners of Klaipėda district: Gargždai, Ketvergiai, Kretingalė - gathered in a youth sexuality education camp, conveniently located in Klaipėda district. They were met by the head of the camp, a student of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater, and the future actress Brigita Musteikytė.

“After a fun introductory activity, we discussed the topic of gender stereotypes. When we speak a language that is simple and understandable to young people, they are happy to engage in conversation. Often the influence of social media, their popularity changes our mindset, behavior, even shapes personalities. You need to talk about this as a teenager to develop critical thinking. It helps not only to choose the right friends, but also to act responsibly, ”says Lina Januškevičiūtė, a training psychologist at the camp.

The team of camp organizers, excitedly waited for the young people to arrive, checked until the last minute that all the spaces for activities and training were properly prepared and that nothing was left unattended. And a lot of activities have been done. After all, the topics for training require seriousness and concentration, so it is necessary to relax. Enthusiastic campers greedily sought out the information provided to them, shared their experiences and actively discussed. On the second day of the camp, various educational activities were also held. One of the classes was led by Midwife Rasa Liutikienė about biological changes in a young person's life. The head of the camp, Brigita Musteikytė, educated through theater therapy, held discussions about self-knowledge, relationships with others and many other interesting self-knowledge activities.

At the spring, the youth of Klaipėda district participated in a training cycle dedicated to them

From April 15. until May 23. The youth of Klaipėda district municipality participated in the training cycle adapted to them. A total of 4 training cycles. 1 training cycle consisted of 4 sessions, the duration of one session was 1.5 hours. About 300 young people took part in the training. The trainings took place at small towns in Klaipėda district: Lapiai, Endriejavas, Gargždai, Veiviržėnai, Judrėnai, Kretingalė, Dovilai and Ketvergiai.

Topics taught during the trainings:

Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancies. Prevention of sexual violence. The training was conducted by Rugilė Kančaitė, a resident gynecologist.

Prevention of the use of psychoactive substances. Alcohol prevention. The training was led by psychologist Kristina Raukė.

Depression prevention. Suicide and self - harm prevention. The training was led by psychologist Kristina Raukė.

Prevention of overweight and obesity related health problems. Prevention of eating disorders. The training was led by nutritionist Marius Ševeliovas.

During the trainings, the young people were very active, willing to participate in discussions, asked "awkward" questions, and were very curious.

October 18 and October 21st:

The YFHCSS project was presented. Its purpose, tasks and activities. We also introduced the YFHCS service quality standard, according to which the services are suitable for young people. We paid a lot of attention to the analysis of the youth health situation in Klaipėda district. Representatives from Klaipėda District Municipality, the coordinator of inter-institutional cooperation, the Youth Affairs Council, the coordinator of youth affairs, the mayor of Klaipėda district, representatives of schools, etc. participated in the publicity of the project.

September 1 in Klaipėda district:

Gargždai Open Youth Center organized a picnic party. During the celebration, we publicized the project and the activities of the YFHCSS coordinator. We talked about nutrition, tested our overweight vest and tested our knowledge in an HIV and AIDS quiz. 31 people took part in the sessions.

Project's publicity event on 2021 July 12:

12 p.m. The restaurant “Pasažo namai” organized by the Raseiniai District Municipality Public Health Bureau in 2014–2021. LT03-1-SAM-K01-009 publicity event of the project of the European Economic Area financial mechanism project “Implementation of the Adapted and Extended Model of Provision of Youth-Friendly Health Care Services (YFHCSS) in Akmenė, Klaipėda and Raseiniai District Municipalities”. The event was attended by Milda Lukošiūtė and Mintarė Jurgilaitė, representatives of the National Project Coordinator - Health Training and Disease Prevention Center, Justina Jagminienė and Miglė Griškė from the Akmenė District Municipal Public Health Bureau, Erika Meškauskytė from the Klaipėda District Municipal Public Health Bureau, Greta Račė , Raseiniai District Municipality Administration Coordinator for Youth Affairs Vaida Tunaitienė, Raseiniai District Education Support Service Representatives of the Open Youth Center Darius Blinstrubas, Kristina Taučaitė and Danutė Sakalauskienė, Representatives of the Raseiniai Branch of the Order of Malta Aistė Gudžiūnaitė, Chairperson of the Raseiniai District Liberal Youth Union, Tadas Ambrozaitis, Chairperson of the Raseiniai District Municipality Public Health Bureau, Rasa Simonavičienė, Giedrė Va. Idotienė, Rimantė Dukauskienė, public health specialists providing health care in schools, Albina Gedvilienė, Audronė Bliskienė, Laima Galinaitienė and Lina Vaišnorienė.
During the event, the participants were introduced to the model of providing youth-friendly health care services (YFHCSS), its goals, elements and tools. Rimantė Dukauskienė, the coordinator of youth-friendly health care services in Raseiniai district, presented the starting position of the district - the composition of the project implemented in our district and the most relevant health problems. In the second part of the event, the meeting was moderated by Liudas Švipas, a psychologist at the House of Psychological Ideas, who reminded everyone who was the target group of the project: encourage them to seek help, how to offer some help in an attractive way and how to train them to accept it. Among other things, we had the opportunity to try out the methods (tools) of working with young people, which are still unknown to many of the participants - the game “Points of you” and the Lego Serious play methodology.

We remind you that the aim of the project is to provide high-quality and accessible youth-friendly health care services that meet the needs and to encourage young people to choose a healthier lifestyle in the territories of the municipalities covered by the project. Achieving the goal of providing young people (14-29 years old) with confidential services that help to improve their physical and mental health will contribute to the promotion of healthy lifestyles in order to reduce the morbidity of young people and to address their concerns in a targeted way. In order to achieve the goal and solve the existing essential problems, a network of institutions providing YFHCSS will be established in each of the participating municipalities during the project. The inter-institutional functional network in municipalities (law enforcement, social, education and youth associations), which provides comprehensive services for young people (health, education, law enforcement, social, etc.), will contribute to the successful implementation of full algorithms in each of the participating municipalities. The following algorithms will be implemented in Raseiniai District Municipality.