About the project

The aim of the project "Implementation of the Adapted and Extended Model of Provision of Youth-Friendly Health Care Services (JPSPP) in Akmenė, Klaipėda and Raseiniai District Municipalities" (LT03-1-SAM-K01-009) is to provide quality and accessible health care services to young people and to encourage young people to choose healthier lifestyle in the territories of the municipalities envisaged in the project (Raseiniai, Klaipėda district, Akmenė). The project will provide confidential services to help strengthen the mental and physical health of young people. Healthy lifestyle events and training for young people. The events will also promote social interaction, the lack of which is felt in the target municipalities due to low youth employment. Ensuring inter-institutional co-operation will include events where partners will share their best practices.

Investing in health care and promoting a healthy lifestyle also reduces the risk of illness. Health care costs are likely to fall in the future as diseases are diagnosed more quickly and morbidity is reduced. These project activities will also disseminate information on the activities of the Coordination Center.

Algorithms implemented in each of the participating municipalities:

1. Prevention of sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancies, 2. Prevention of the use of psychoactive substances, 3. Alcohol prevention, 4. Prevention of depression, 5. Suicide and self - harm prevention, 6. Prevention of overweight and obesity related health disorders 7. Prevention of sexual violence, 8. Prevention of eating disorders.

Project partners:

Raseiniai District Municipality Public Health Bureau. Akmenė District Municipality Public Health Bureau. Klaipėda District Municipality Public Health Bureau

The project is funded in 2014–2021. Funds of the European Economic Area (hereinafter referred to as the EEA) Financial Mechanism and Co-financing (State budget funds of the Republic of Lithuania for financing the EEA and / or Norwegian Financial Mechanisms programs). The aid intensity is 100% of the eligible costs. The project received a grant of EUR 249 116.10, comprising EUR 220 830.29 from the EEA Financial Mechanisms and EUR 211 748.68 from the Co-financing.

Amount of support for each Project partner:

Raseiniai District Municipality Public Health Bureau - EUR 84,583.03. Akmenė District Municipality Public Health Bureau - EUR 83,715.59. Klaipėda District Municipality Public Health Bureau - EUR 82,848.23.

Project implementation deadline: 2021. April 2 - 2023 April 2

The aim of the implemented model is to provide high-quality and accessible youth-friendly health care services that meet the needs and to encourage young people to choose a healthier lifestyle.

Objectives of the model:

· To coordinate the provision of YFHCSS in the municipality by carrying out the activities of the coordination center;

· To improve the competencies of specialists and youth health coordinators;

· Strengthen the network of existing institutions providing services to young people;

· To provide youth-friendly integrated services in municipalities.

Required Model Elements:

1. YFHCSS coordination center in the municipality;

2. The network of YFHCSS providing institutions;

3. Youth health web portal

4. Training for specialists

5. Publicity of YFHCSS in the municipality;